While I was in San Fran I was going to take a break from running until my friend, who was also in San Fran, texted me and said she was running across the Golden Gate Bridge. I thought that would be an amazing run so my SIL and I decided to do it. We had no running clothes or shoes so we went shopping and found some matching tops. (good thing we don't live close) Then the next morning we set out for our run. We took the trolley as far down as it would go. (It was so early and they didn't have change for us so they let us ride for free.) Then we started to run but soon saw just how far we still were from the bridge. We did a walk run til we got to the bridge then we ran the 2 miles across and the 2 miles back stopping for pictures, of course.

This was on the other side of the bridge looking back towards San Fran. When we got back to the other side of the bridge we found a cab to take us back to the hotel. It was a great run and I am so glad we did it. Amazing!!