Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fishing in Alaska

 Big B has wanted to go on a fishing trip with his brothers for a few years and he finally made it happen. Out of 6 boys 5 were able to go! Big B did the trip with my dad the year we got married so he had a little idea of what to do.
 They got off to a rocky start but then they got the hang of it and started bringing in the salmon.
 Of course they didn't think to get a group shot with all the brothers. Big B only sent me pictures with them and their fish.
 They had a great time and got more fish then we can eat. (Since we aren't don't eat much fish.)
 This will defiantly be a trip to remember! 
Big B caught the biggest fish until 30 minutes before they had to stop fishing to get to the airport. They also went on a halibut boat and caught their limit. I'm so glad he got to do this with his brothers!

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