Monday, January 28, 2013


 To start off Halloween we headed to Trader Joes for our pumpkins.
 We had our ward party. D strutting her stuff on the run way.
 Big B and I had a party and had to dress up. (Not our favorite thing.)
 Carving pumpkins. This year Big B pulled out the power tools. It made carving 4 pumpkins go much faster.
 D had a little party at school.
 She also got to wear her costume to her dance class.
 Then on Halloween day we had an alley pizza party. We made homemade root beer with dry ice. (B was not feeling good that day. We gave him medicine so he could still trick or treat.)
 Both of my brothers and their families came to trick or treat. Also my parents. We really live in the best place to gets lots of candy fast.
 This was my nieces first time trick or treating and it was so cute watching her figure it out.
 Everyone had a buddy to go around with which was nice because everyone had their own pace. We let the older ones go off on their own with walkie talkies.
A was a scary Harry Potter something, B was Harry Potter, C was Darth Vader, and D was Ariel.

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