Wednesday, February 13, 2013

More Random Things

 After the baby shower the garage was filled with things for the baby. D had a great time going through it all. She came across the carrier and had to know how it worked and gave it a try with one of her dolls. She is going to be overly helpful and I'm getting scared about it.
 Basketball season is now over. Big B had a rough time coaching. It was a bigger commitment then football. Now on to baseball. No coaching or team mom!
 A friend gave me a double stroller and D has loved going on walks in it but I make A take her because I'm not up for walks these days. On this day they came up with the idea to take a picnic to the park. I gave A my phone just in case and found these picture on it later.
 Thank goodness I have A!!!
A is studying American history in school this year and right now they are doing the American Revolution. The school had something called Walk Through the American Revolution where every kid had to be a person in history and also reenact a battle. It was very long but I really liked hearing all the history. A was Betsy Ross. She memorized her part and did very well. I love hands on learning!!

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