Sunday, February 3, 2013

Random Things

 So D went through a little, thank goodness it was little, phase of wanting to wear her socks with her flip flops. Our close friend and neighbor wears hers that way when we are hanging out on the alley so that's where D got it from.
 Date with D! This was right after I had my glucose test.
 Date with C! He got his hair cut and lunch.
 This year I ordered lots of gifts on line and never really thought about needing to hide them from the kids when they got delivered. Good thing I have the nicest UPS lady ever! I found this note when I was taking out the trash.
She hid D's doll house behind the trash can and even found that piece of wood on the side yard to cover it. This made me so happy, it made me tear up. There are still wonderful people in this world!!

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